
早餐店是否常常覺得手忙腳亂…. 加蛋不加胡椒 全熟加番茄醬 吐司切邊不烤 這些龐大的客製需求是不是眼花撩亂…
感謝老闆以及老闆娘真實的心得分享~ 原來Posky給您們帶來這麼大的改變~~~ 謝謝您們的支持與肯定! Posky團隊一定會持續進步!

Corporate governance

Corporate governance includes the set of processes, customs, policies, laws, and institutions affecting the way a corporation is directed, administered or controlled. MiTwell as a public company (6635.TWO) with board of directors and shareholders is regulated by third party independent supervisor directors. Internal and external audits are also performed to ensure the stable business operations. Therefore our governance includes the relationships among the many stakeholders involved and the goals for which the corporation is governed.