
非常感謝毛毛兔蔬食咖啡坊的老闆以及老闆娘接受採訪 原來Posky帶給你們的幫助是這麼的有感! 專業親切的客服果然是有加分的! 蔬食的取向就是希望少油少鹽,新鮮健康! 感謝老闆以及老闆娘如此的用心,才能讓顧客吃到最安心的食物 不僅僅是對食材上的堅持,也跟我們分享了很多夫妻的相處之道,讓我們受益良多! 感謝您們使用Posky,祝您們生意興隆,恩愛甜蜜蜜。


Corporate governance

Corporate governance includes the set of processes, customs, policies, laws, and institutions affecting the way a corporation is directed, administered or controlled. MiTwell as a public company (6635.TWO) with board of directors and shareholders is regulated by third party independent supervisor directors. Internal and external audits are also performed to ensure the stable business operations. Therefore our governance includes the relationships among the many stakeholders involved and the goals for which the corporation is governed.