台灣百大品牌的故事 x Posky普市集

感謝 「 華藝創意出版社 」 邀請Posky普市集採訪!
普世玩科技以共好社會企業做為經營主軸,除了提供免費使用的POS 系統,也透過優質的硬體設備給予店面最完整的服務,無須軟體月租費及手續費,達到POS 系統普世化的目的,讓小本經營的店面也能輕鬆擁有,協助小型企業完成永續經營的夢想。

#以免費分享 #以共享成長

Corporate governance

Corporate governance includes the set of processes, customs, policies, laws, and institutions affecting the way a corporation is directed, administered or controlled. MiTwell as a public company (6635.TWO) with board of directors and shareholders is regulated by third party independent supervisor directors. Internal and external audits are also performed to ensure the stable business operations. Therefore our governance includes the relationships among the many stakeholders involved and the goals for which the corporation is governed.